Tuesday 7 April 2009

(PPC) Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click refers to an advertising mechanism in which advertisers pay each time someone
clicks their ad. More specifically, though, these days it refers to ads displayed on search-engine
results pages.

Each time someone clicks one of these links, the company that placed the ad is charged. How
much? Somewhere from 5 cents (on Google) or 10 cents (on Yahoo!) to many dollars! Some
PPC ads cost as much as $50 per click, occasionally even more!

Because large PPC systems generally “feed” a variety of sites, when you buy ads through
a system such as Google or Yahoo! Search Marketing Solutions, your ads may end up on many
different search sites. But you may also have your ads distributed elsewhere, like on the pages of
thousands of different web sites, thanks to the Google AdSense distribution program.
PPC advertising has a number of advantages:

■ It’s very quick. You can start getting results from the search engines in a day or two (in
theory, a few hours, but in most cases it takes a little longer to get everything sorted out).

■ It’s reliable. Using PPC to get traffic to your site is very reliable. You can generate a lot
of traffic, and always appear for appropriate searches in the major search engines . . . if
you’re willing to pay enough.

■ It’s easy to measure. You can see just how much traffic you’re getting, and even figure
out how much of the traffic turns into business.